Sottocenere al Tartufo – Approx. 330g


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Its name comes from its type of treatment. This cheese is produced with two different kinds of milking, the morning and the evening milk. This happens because the cow’s morning milk is richer in cream, which gives the dough its softness. During the process several little flakes of truffle, the main characteristic of this cheese, are poured into the milk. It is left ageing for 4-5 months and is preserved by being protected from moulds and parasites under boiled oak ash. Its dough is particularly soft and it has an unmistakable scent of truffle mixed with the aroma of ash.

Weight 0.33 kg

330g, Approx.


Pasteurized Cow Milk, Salt, Rennet, Lactic Ferments, Black Truffle (0.7%), Flavours. Aged in Beech Ash. Inedible Crust.




Artisanal Cheese, Hard Cheese

Sottocenere al Tartufo – Approx. 330g

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